New York
- Email:
- Cluster Leaders:
Vanita Kumar, MD, and Heather Paladine, MD
AAFP Liaisons:
Chelsea Faso, MD, and Jiana Menendez, MD, MPH
About Us
We are a community of primary care clinicians in the New York City metro area who are dedicated to full spectrum reproductive health care. The NY Cluster is one of the oldest Clusters in the Network. We come together to work on advocacy efforts, clinical training, and peer-support – focusing on amplifying the primary care voice in reproductive health care. Our clinical training sessions include medication abortion workshops and papaya workshops. The New York Cluster works closely with the New York Academy of Family Physicians to identify key opportunities for advocacy efforts. Our gatherings have also included film screenings, networking events, resolution-writing workshops, and panel discussions.
In 2019, Cluster members proudly witnessed the passage of the Reproductive Health Act after advocating for over a decade and mobilized with colleagues nationwide to urge the American Academy of Family Physicians to support safe and legal abortion. We seek to partner with other local organizations in the reproductive rights, health, and justice fields.